Throughout its 90 years of activity, Harel Group’s commitment to contributing towards and betterment of the community at large has become an integral part of our DNA, and it is an intrinsic part the Group’s vision and values. Harel Group aspires to provide its customers with peace of mind, allowing them to get on with their lives in the best possible way even in times of crisis and disaster and we take the view that contributing towards and commitment to the community is an inseparable part of this vision.
Our proactive approach to the creation of significant, deep and long-term social ventures that provide positive value for the community in which we operate mean that we also view the importance of encouraging our employees to become involved in social action, to practice ongoing dialog with our partners in society and provide assistance wherever necessary. We have defined a "Three-Factor Profit" model that helps us maximize our social impact enabling us to contribute to the community at large and to an organizational culture that encourages social activity within the organization.
- Community: Maximizing our social impact, by employees' involvement, building personal and deep connection between our employees and the community while raising awareness to current social issues.
- Employees: Creating out of routine experiences aimed to promote personal connection between the employees, increasing motivation and morale, creating organizational connectedness, providing employees with satisfaction and interpersonal skills
- Organization: Implementing Harel's values, increasing the connection with the employees and their satisfaction by delivering to the employees' expectations, especially to generation Y and Z.
We advocate providing assistance to a large number of charitable organizations in a broad range of fields. Over time, we have contributed to hundreds of different charities and organizations all over the country in areas such as higher education, special education, culture and the arts, medical assistance for the needy, support for people with disabilities and special needs, and more.
Monetary donations to the community are made, in part, through the M.E.H. Foundation (Keren HaMeah - in memory of the late Margot and Ernst Hamburger) which has been active for more than 30 years.
In 2022, the Group made donations to the community in the amount of NIS 11.5 million, compared with NIS 10.7 million in 2021. Furthermore, in 2022, money-equivalent donations amounted to NIS 0.8 million and in 2021 to NIS 0.4 million.
Our volunteer program benefits from a special package of resources managed by the CSG coordinator and each employee may volunteer for three hours a month at the expense of work time. The Company’s most senior management defines the policy, sets goals and monitors actual performance.
In 2022, 47% of the Company’s employees took part in volunteer activity, compared with 27% in 2021.